Home of Thomas Bilitewski

Thomas Bilitewski, PhD
Assistant Professor
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Office: n.a.
Phone: n.a.
Email: t.bilitewski@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-9971-1835
Arxiv: Article list
About me
I am a starting Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University.
I previously held postdoctoral positions at JILA (CU Boulder) working in the group of Ana Maria Rey, and at MPI (Dresden) working with Roderich Moessner.
I am an AMO and condensed matter theorist, broadly interested in quantum many-body physics and quantum simulation. A main driving motivation of my theoretical work is to provide insightful explanations for experimental results and actionable realistic proposals for applications and exploration of fundamental physics. I much enjoy collaboration with experimental groups, and my work is often guided by recent novel experimental capabilities, and attempts to open up practical new avenues for advancing quantum simulation, information and metrology in ultra-cold atomic and molecular setups.
Below you will find further information on some of my research. In particular, the research subpages include a more general introduction to select topics, links to the publications, presentation slides and recorded talks.
Please feel free to explore my site, and get in touch if you are interested in some of the things you discover.
Research Highlights

Hydrodynamics in Spin Systems
Anomalous Hydrodynamics, KPZ Scaling and Solitons in the classical Heisenberg Chain

Pauli Blocking and Cooperative Effects
Pauli blocking and cooperative effects in 2D Fermi gases

Dipolar Molecules and Squeezing
Metrology and squeezing in two-dimensional dipolar molecular Fermi gases

SU(N) Fermi Gases
Nature Physics
Understanding the thermodynamics of a SU(N) Fermi Gas

Chaos across Phase Transitions
Chaos, the butterfly effect and quasi-particles across thermal phase transitions

Chaos and Butterfly effect
Chaos and the butterfly effect in a classical many-body spin system

Spin Liquids and Disorder
New type of spin liquid in the bond-disordered Kagome-Antiferromagnet arrising from the interplay of disorder and geometric frustration

Flat Bands and Disorder
Editors' suggestion
Exactly degenerate Flat Bands in presence of disorder on the Kagome lattice

Floquet Engineering and Heating
Heating in interacting Floquet-engineered quantum systems

Synthetic Dimensions
Interactions and pair-superfluidity in synthetic dimensions